After successfully completing Mere Dad Ki Maruti, actress Rhea Chakraborty is all set to start shooting for her next movie Sonali Cable. Rhea got critical applause for her acting in the movie, and director Charudutt Acharya left no chance to sign her for his next movie.
Sonali Cable is an upcoming movie starring Raghav Juyal and Rhea Chakroborty in the lead roles. The movie is about a girl who starts her own Internet Cable store with some boys and how she tackles customers and the rude world. The movie is in its production stage set to be released in September, 2013.
Sonali Cable is an upcoming movie starring Raghav Juyal and Rhea Chakroborty in the lead roles. The movie is about a girl who starts her own Internet Cable store with some boys and how she tackles customers and the rude world. The movie is in its production stage set to be released in September, 2013.
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