Biryani is an upcoming Telugu language movie starring Karthi and Hansika Motwani in the lead roles. Mandy Takhar is playing important role in the movie. Karthi is shown as a flirt in the movie who loves Hansika Motwani but is attracted towards Many Takhar.
Mandy Takhar is an Indian actress who mostly features in Punjabi language movies. She has appeared in one Hindi movie Bumboo and making her debut in Telugu movies through Biryani.
Premji Amaren, Ramki, Neetu Chandra, Vaibhav Reddy, Sampath Raj, Nithin Sathya, Subbu Panchu, Sam Anderson and Sangeetha Gopal are also playing impotant roles in the movie.
Movie is directed by Venkat Prabhu, produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja, editing by Praveen K. L. and N. B. Srikanth and music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
Biryani Telugu movie is set to be released in April, 2013.
Mandy Takhar is an Indian actress who mostly features in Punjabi language movies. She has appeared in one Hindi movie Bumboo and making her debut in Telugu movies through Biryani.
Premji Amaren, Ramki, Neetu Chandra, Vaibhav Reddy, Sampath Raj, Nithin Sathya, Subbu Panchu, Sam Anderson and Sangeetha Gopal are also playing impotant roles in the movie.
Movie is directed by Venkat Prabhu, produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja, editing by Praveen K. L. and N. B. Srikanth and music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
Biryani Telugu movie is set to be released in April, 2013.
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