Aurangzeb is an upcoming Bollywood crime movie starring Arjun Kapoor and Sashaa Agha in lead roles. The movie is the remake of 1978 blockbuster movie Trishul. The movie is distributed by Yash Raj Films, directed by Atul Sabharwal, produced by Aditya Chopra and music by Amartya Rahut. The movie is set to be released on 17th May, 2013.
This is Arjun Kapoor's second movie after Ishaqzaade and would be seen in double role. The trailer of the movie was launched on 4th April, 2013.
Lets have a look at Aurangzeb movie stills.
This is Arjun Kapoor's second movie after Ishaqzaade and would be seen in double role. The trailer of the movie was launched on 4th April, 2013.
Lets have a look at Aurangzeb movie stills.
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